
This biosecurity manual outlines best management practices that should be followed wherever possible and practicable to achieve the following objectives that will:
protect feed mill operations against the entry of disease and subsequent spread to livestock operations.
minimise the incidence and spread of microorganisms of public health significance.
minimise the incidence and spread of microorganisms, pests and weeds that may impact national or international trade.
By implementing the measures outlined in this manual, feed mill operators will reduce the risk of diseases, pests and weeds in the feed mill.
A copy of the National Biosecurity Manual for Feed Mills (V1) can be downloaded here. The checklist can also be downloaded separately from here.
The manual will assist feed mills in translating biosecurity practices into operating procedures and work instructions. Feed manufacturing and delivery is a fundamental part of the animal production chain and having good biosecurity practices in this area will help to reduce the risk of disease spread.
These guidelines were developed based on information provided by industry and in conjunction with the Stock Feed Manufacturers’ Council of Australia and the FeedSafe® Feed Mill Hygiene Guidelines. Consequently, a series of steps should be taken to help maximise feed biosecurity (Stewart et al 2019):
Assess biological hazard risk: Feed manufacturing facilities must take a proactive approach to understanding biological hazards for their own operations and the security of their customers. The biosecurity procedures employed by a specific feed mill may not be the same as other feed mills depending on the customers they serve and the associated risk tolerance vs. price for mitigation strategies that are employed.
Define protocols to prevent entry of hazard into the feed mill: The most important part of a feed mill biosecurity plan is to prevent hazards from entering the feed mill. Identifying and eliminating high risk ingredients, minimising entry via people and equipment, covering all open points of entry when not being used, and other strategies can be used to prevent hazard entry into the feed mill.
Utilise mitigation strategies to minimise risk: Not all hazards can be prevented from entering the feed mill and consequently mitigation strategies should be utilised. The best option is to identify the mitigation strategies that are effective against the specific hazards of concern and utilise a combination of point-in-time mitigants as well as those that have residual effectiveness for continued protection through the remainder of the feed supply chain. Some mitigation strategies have multiple benefits. As an example, dust collection and elimination not only creates a safer and better environment for the workers, but can also eliminate a major point of contamination and point where diseases can survive.
Feed mill decontamination: While it is extremely difficult to completely accomplish, a feed mill decontamination strategy must be developed and should include a combination of physical cleaning, chemical cleaning, disinfection and, if applicable, the use of high heat as the final step.

Code of Good Manufacturing Practice
The FeedSafe® Standards are outlined in the Australian Code of Good Manufacturing Practice For the Feed Milling Industry (Feb 2009), which is the cornerstone of the FeedSafe® Program.
The FeedSafe® Standards are outcome-focused. Additional information is contained in supplementary fact sheets which are designed for use by manufacturers and other interested industry stakeholders.
The FeedSafe® Checklist V10 reflect compliance to the Australian Code of Good Manufacturing Practice For the Feed Milling Industry (Feb 2009).
View The Australian Code of Good Manufacturing Practice For the Feed Milling Industry (Feb 2009).

Encyclopedia of Animal Nutrition
The Encyclopedia of Animal Nutrition covers animal nutrition across a wide range of disciplines, including physiology, biochemistry, veterinary medicine and feed technology. Through approximately 3000 entries ranging from short definitions to more discursive articles, it discusses and illuminates on all aspects of this important topic.
The book:
- Covers every type of animal managed in developing and developed countries, from livestock and companion animals to those commonly found in laboratories and zoos;
- Includes human nutrition as well as fish species used in aquaculture, and farmed invertebrates such as honey bees and prawns, and animals of localised significance such as yaks, snakes, crocodiles, and asses;
- Addresses important societal topics in relation to nutrition, including welfare, environmental pollution, disease, resource use, and animal product quality.
Written by a global team of contributors and expert section editors, this book is an important resource for researchers, students and advisers of animal nutrition and feed, as well as anyone interested in agriculture, the food industry, veterinary science, zoology, physiology, human health, animal science, and animal behaviour.
2nd Edition
​Edited by Clive Phillips